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Ethno botanical studies of Sikkim with special reference to the traditional medicine of Lepchas tribe

S.R. Lepcha & B.C. Basistha


The earliest records of use of biological products primarily herbs in prevention and cure of diseases in India are found in Vedic literature. Approximately 7500 ethno botanical plants have been reported form India so far. The Ayurved and Sidha system of medicine records of use of biological products primarily herbs in prevention of and cure of diseases in India are found in Vedic literature. The Rigveda
(ca3500-1800BC). Simultaneously the more comprehensive account of the plants based drugs found later scripture Atharva veda (1500BC). Charak Samhita (1000-800BC) and Sushruta Samhita (800-700BC) primarily on surgical practice (Jain, S,K 2000) The history of the ethno botanical study in India is about four centuries old when Garcia Da Orta (1563) publish his Os Coloquis’ Giving an account of indigenous medicinal plants of India without using the term ethno botany (Rao, R. R.1996).
The Watts publication of the The richness in ethno botanical wealth has attracted a large number of scientists for all over the world.
A brief note on Ethno botanical survey of “Pangolakh Wild Life Sanctuary”, East Sikkim, India.


Pangolakha Wildlife Sanctuary is the biggest wildlife sanctuary of Sikkim. It falls under the Himalayan biogeographic under the IBA Site Code no IN-SK-09 and is located located in the eastern flank of East district of Sikkim. The total area of the sanctuary is 128 (29.424.53 Hectares) and is situated in between 27o08 03 N latitude near Phusrey in southern tip to 27 o21 59 N latitude in northern tip near Jelepla and extended from 88o55 23 E latitude to 88 o41 28 E latitude. The lowest point of the sanctuary falls at the 27 o 11 35 N latitude and 88 o43 43 E longtitute at Chukha river at the elevation of 1200m and where as the highest elevation points falls on 27 o 21 01 N latitude and 88 o 53 16 E longitude at the elevation of 4570. The sanctuary covers various altitudinal ranges right from the tropical to Alpine zone.

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