Scientific personals of Sikkim:

 NAME Mr. Laydong Lepcha
DESIGNATION Information Officer (Bioinformatics BTIs) Cum Nodal Officer (DELCON Consortium online e-Journal, Sikkim)
NAME OF THE INSTITUTION/DEPARTMENT Sikkim State Council of Science & Technology
AFFILIATION/UNDERTAKING Government of Sikkim/Sponsored by Department of Biotechnology, Government of India
MAILING ADDRESS Bioinformatics Centre, Sikkim State Council of Science & Technology, Department of Science & Technology, Development Area, Gangtok- 737101, India
CONTACT NUMBER +91-9434191983(Mobile)



Post Graduate Diploma in BIOINFORMATICS (1-YEAR)

Ph.D (ONGOING from West Bengal State University [WBSU], Kolkata)

ADDITIONAL PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATION (IF ANY) 1. Bioinformatics Training: Computer Networking  and Use of Internet of Biological Database Search and Information Retrieve. CSKHPKV, Palampur, Himachal Pradesh,

2. Training on Bioinformatics and its Application in Biological Science, Phylogenetic Analaysis (BIF, Dibrugarh University, Assam)

3. Diploma in Computer Application ( 3 years)

4.  Typing Course (Holy Cross Academy)

FIELD OF SPECIALIZATION Disaster Mitigation/Disaster Management, Ecology &Environment, Molecular Biology and Bioinformatics

1.  International Journal of Biodiversity and Conservation (IJBC).  [Reviewer]
2.  Journal of Computational Biology and Bioinformatics Research (JCBBR).
3.  African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology (AJEST)
4.  Journal of Ecology and the Natural Environment (JENE)
5.  Greener Journal (GJ)
6.  Advancement in Medicinal Plant Research (AMPR)
7.  Journal of Agricultural Research (JAR)
8.  Journal of Scientific Research and Reviews (JSRR)
9.  Journal of Environmental Science and Water Resources (JESWR)
10. Journal Of Agricultural Economics And Development JAED)
11. Journal of Geography and Regional Planning (JGRP)

12.  3 years Research on Landslide study


1. Laydong Lepcha and B.C. Basistha (2015). Understanding Molecular Database in Bioinformatics. Biogyan, Volume VIII, p3.

2. Laydong Lepcha, B.C. Basistha,K.B. Subba & Rajdeep Gurung (2014). In-silico Bioinformatics: Drug Designing. Biogyan, Volume VII, p3.

3. Compendium on Ethno-Medicinal Plant Research of Sikkim Himalaya (Peer reviewed journals)  2014            (AUTHOR)

4.  Book on Study of Landslide in East Sikkim by using GIS & Remote Sensing, 2006 (AUTHOR)

5. Understanding "BIOINFORMATICS". Sikkim Express, A Daily based express. Friday 24 September,2010  & Sunday 26 September, 2010.


1.Laydong Lepcha*, Basistha B.C. And Subba K.B. (2016) Hydropathicity, Phylogenetics And Possible Codons Analysis For Asparagine, Glutamine, Arginine, And Proline Proteins In Vicilin Genes Of Abroma Angusta, Solanum Lycopersicum, Theobroma Cacao. Herrania Nycterodendron, Z. Furfuracea, Pisum Sativum, Vicia Faba, Theobroma Cacao.

2. Laydong Lepcha*, Basistha BC, Subba KB, Pradhan S, Gurung R, Sharma NP (2014). Understanding the Significance value of Rhododendron arboreum Smith Scarleti of Sikkim, India. International Journal of Engineering Science and Innovative Technology (IJESIT).Volume 3, Issue 4, July 2014. p554-559.

3. Laydong Lepcha*, B.C. Basistha, K.B. Subba, Rajdeep Gurung, N.P. Sharma(2013).  . Medicinal value and microbial VAM incidence analysis of Bischofia javanica Blume in Sikkim Himalaya, India. The Journal of Ethnobiology and Traditional Medicine. Photon 120 (2013) 650-655.

4. Laydong Lepccha, B.C. Basistha, K.B. Subba, Rajdeep Gurung and N.P. Sharma (2012). A reckon on the conservation and sustainability of Abroma augusta Linn in Sikkim Himalaya. Journal of Medical Science and Research. (JMSR). Indian Journals. Vol.3,Issue:2, p35-39.

5. Lepcha,L., Roy,S.G. Sarkar,A. Basistha,B.C. and Arrawatia,M.L. (2011). Documentation of Medicinally important plants from the Landslide prone areas of East Sikkim, India: A survey Report. International Journal of Phytology. 3(7): Pp.01-07, 2011.

6. Lepcha,L., Mandal,P. Misra,T.K. and Sharma, N.P. (2010).  Comparative study of plant Biodiversity and physico-chemical parameters of soils of landslide prone areas of Sikkim. International Jounal of Ecology and Development. Vol. 17.

7.  Lepcha,L., Misra,T.K. and Mandal,P. (2009). Relative distribution pattern of Tree Biodiversity in Landslide prone areas of east Sikki, India.  International Journal of Research in Environment and Life Science.  Accepted on August 02,2009.

8.  Lepcha,L., Misra,T.K. and Mandal,P. (2009).  Relationship of Biodiversity with soil parameters and vegetation buffers at Landslide prone areas of Sikkim. Journal of Hill Research, 22(1): 43-49,2009.

9.  Lepcha,L., Misra,T.K.  Mandal,P. and Ansari, A.A. (2009). Plant Biodiversity and soil erodibility of landslide prone areas of east Sikkim. Journal of Ecobiology.(2009).

10. Symposium book on Comparative study of Plant Biodiversity and its Pphysico-Chemical parameters of soils of landslide areas of East Sikkim (2009). National Seminar Proceeding paper conducted by UGC in collaboration with Botany Department, Siliguri College & Horticultural Department, Bengal Government. ( 21-22 February, 2009).

11. Lepcha, L (2009), Protein identifies the disease causing genes. Biogyan, Vol. III, Bioinformatics NL, pg.2.

12. Sharma P., Basistha, B.C. Gurung,R. and Lepcha. L.(2008). Animation its role in easy understanding of biological process.   Bioinforamtics News letter - Biogyan, volume-3, pg.3.

13. PDF presentation launched in ENVIS website; Soil Erodibility and its relationship with some Physico-Chemical parameters. (2008).


1.Dated:20th -22nd March 2017 -Training on Bioinformatics in Genomics and Proteomics Researches.

2. Dated: 26th Sept. - 1st.Oct. 2016 - Training on Computational R-Bioinformatics and PERL Programming.

3. Dated: 31st May - 4th June. 2016 - Training on Biotechnology and Bioinformatics.

4. Dated : 24th - 28th May 2016 - Hands-on Training on  Bioinformatics Tools and Techniques.

5. Dated: 14th March, 2015. Training On Bioinformatics in Plant Genomic Research.

1. March 2015, Bioinformatics Centre, Sikkim State Council of Science & Technology, on a topic of training on Bioinformatics in Microbial Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhiza (VAM) Research.
2. August-September, 2014, a month long Bioinformatics Education Programme (BEP) in various colleges and schools of Sikkim.
3. March 2014, Bioinformatics Centre, Sikkim State Council of Science & Technology, on a topic of training on Phylogenetic Analysis in Molecular Biology.
December, 2012, Training on “Documentation of Ethno-traditional knowledge by using Bioinformatics tools.

4. April 2013, National Institute of Technology (NIT), Government of India, Rabongla, South Sikkim.

5. December, 2012, Bioinformatics Centre, Sikkim State Council of Science & Technology

6. February, 2009, National Seminar conducted by UGC, Dept. of Botany, Siliguri College, West Bengal.

7. March, 2014, Bioinformatics Centre, Sikkim State Council of Science & Technology, on Application of Bioinformatics in Biological Researches.