Basic Information



Species                      : Hippophae rhamnoides Linn

Local Name                :

Synonym                    :

Family                         : Elaeagnaceae

Habitat                        :

Distribution                 :

Sikkim                          : Nathula

Out side                      : China, Tibet.

General                       : North West Himalaya 7,000- 15,000 ft , Afghanistan and westwards to North and Middle Europe, North and Central Asia.

Morphological information


A dioecious, usually spinescent shrub or a small tree up to 40 feet high, with rough brown bark. Leaves small, linear- lanceolate, covered on both sides with siolvery scales; flowers very small, greenish or yellowish, appearing with new leaves; male in axillary clusters, female solitary; fruits enclosed by succulent receptacle, ovoid, cO.25 inches long, orange- yellow or scarlet; seeds oblong, testa crustaceous, shiny.

Flowering            :

Fruiting               :

History                :

Parts                   : Fruit and leaves.

Status                 :


 Isorhamnetin- 3- β- D- glucoside,isorhamnetin- 3- rutinoside isorhamnetin –3-β- D- glucosido- α -L rhamnoside, isorhamnetin- 3- β- suphorosido- 7- L- rhamnoside and a new isorhamnetin tetroside containing glucose and rhamnose isolated from fruits (Planta Med. 1072, 422, 22, 408); a flavionoid glucoside mp. 2200, isolated from leaves (khim. Prir. Soedin. 1975, 11, 96; Chem. Abstr. 1975, 83, 75365 v); isorhamnetin and astragalin isolated from leaves (Khim prir. Soedin 1976, 12, 97; Chem. Abstr. 1976, 85, 30627 g); quercetin, Kaempferol, isorhamnetin, myricitin gallic acid isolated from leaves. (Khim. Prir. Soedin. 1976, 12,, 663; Chem. Abstr. 1977, 86, 136310j); quebranchitol found in leaves (Khim. Prir. Soedin. 1976, 12, 649; Chem. Abstr. 1977, 86, 86160n); isoquercetrin, isorhamnetin 3- β- D- glucofuranosido (1→6)- β- D- glucopyranoside and quercetin- 3- galactoglucoside isolated from leaves. (Khim. Prir. Soedin. 1977, 13, 281; chemabstr. 1977, 87, 114616g); rutin, quercetin, quercetin- 7- 0- rhamnoside, quercetin- 3- 0- methylether, isorhamnetin- 3- 0- rutinoside and isorhamnetin- 3- 0- β- D- glucoside isolated from fruits (Khim. Prir. Soedin. 1978, 14, 403; Chem. Abstr.


The plant is propagated through seeds, cuttings, grafting from root tursion or the plantlet produced through tissue culture.



Syrup prepared from the fruit is used in lungs complaint; a decoction is used for cutaneous eruption. Cream, which is extracted from tender branches and leaves, is used as ointment for burns. It is also used in cosmetic industry.




1. Anonymous (2001). The Wealth of India, Raw Materials (Vol. 5). Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, New Delhi. 100.

2. Grierson, A.J.C. & D.G. Long (1991). Flora of Bhutan (Vol. 2, part 1). Royal Botanical Garden, Edinburgh. 216.

3. Kirtikar, K.R. & B.D. Basu (1994). Indian Medicinal Plants (Vol. 3). Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh, Dehradun. 2176- 2177.