Basic Information



            Species                                   : Heracleum wallichi Dc.

           Local Name                              : Chimping (Nep), Sanben (Lep)

            Synonym                                 :

            Family                                     : Apiaceae

           Habitat                                     :

           Distribution                : Distributed from temperate to alpine region.

Sikkim                        : Memenchu Lake, Kupup- Laripokhari, Nathang- Padamchen, Rongchu, (Kyongnosla), Tamsay. Lachung- Yumthang,

                                   Lachen- Thangu, Prekchu- Tsokha, Bay- Dewtapani.

Out side                     : West Bengal (Sandakphu to Gosha), Meghalaya, Bhutan.

General                     : Himalaya (Kumaon- Bhutan), Meghalaya.

General                     :

Morphological information

Plant 40- 80 cm tall, almost glabrous except around the nodes and base of umbels. Leaves 1(-2) pinnate with 3- 5 leaflets (or more in lowest leaves); leaflets deeply 3- lobed (to almost ternate), lobes 1.5- 7 x1- 3.7 cm (terminal lobe largest), ovate lanceolate to oblong- elliptic, acute to acuminate, base truncate- obtuse, margin densely mucro- serrate, not in rolled, moderately hairy above and less so below (apart from main veins and margin). Umbels 3- 8 cm across, 9- 30 rayed; rays 1.5- 3.5 cm in flower, elongating to 7 cm in fruit, almost glabrous to puberulent; bracts 1- 3 to 2 an falling early; bracteoles 1- 5, calyx 5 mm. Petals white to purplish, outer petals moderately enlarged, to 2.5 x 2 mm. Fruits obovate, 7- 10 x 6- 8 mm, 4 vittae on outer surface, 0- 2 on inner face, wing to 3 mm broad.

Flowering                    : June-September

Fruiting                       : August-November

History                       :

Parts                          : Flower, root, fruit.

Status                        : Vulnerable.


Bergapten, isobergapten, isopimpinellin and sphondin obtained from roots (Phytochernistry 1975, 14, 2533); in addition to cycleanine, isochondodendrine, clumbianetin, marmesin and stigmasterol, an alkaloid-viginidiol-isolated from roots and characterized (Phytochemistry 1976,15, 567).



 It cures body ache, influenza and also used as tonic and aphrodisiac.                                                    

Traditional      : The matured seed is consumed in the form of the piclde to get rid of the stomach disorder.




1. Grierson, U.C. & D.G. Long (1999). Flora of Bhutan (Vol. 2, Part 2). Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh. 501.

2. Progress Report of the Project "Studies on Medicinal Plants of Sikkim" (1998- 2001). State Council of Science and Technology for Sikkim.