Species : Fagopyrum debotyrs (D.Don) Harra.
Local Name : Ban Phapar (Nep).
Synonym : F. cymosum(Treviranus) Meissn.
Family : Polygonaceae.
Habitat : A herb thrives well in moist places.
Distribution : Distributed to temperate region.
Sikkim : Bhutan (Chukka district, Ha to Monga district).
Out side : Roadside ditches and margins of cultivation; 1400- 3050 m.
General : Himalaya, Meghalaya, Tibet, East China.
A stem up to 1 m but sometimes up to 2- 3 m; lower leaves broadly deltoid, up to 13 cm long and broad; ocrea 2- 3.5 cm, brown; flower in slender branching, spike like racemes; perianth segments 3mm, white; achene ovoid, c7 mm, sharply trigonous, surface flat or concave.
Flowering : June-September.
Fruiting : August-December.
Parts : Grains.
Status : Vulnerable.
β- sitosterol, (C 4 →C- 8) bis- (5, 7, 3'. 4'- tetrahydroxy- flavan- 3- ol (I) and an unidentified compound isolated (Yao Hsueh Tung Pao 1980, 15, 40; Chem. Abstr. 1981, 95, 86201 n); hecogenin isolated from bulbs (Yaoxue Xuebao 1983, 18, 545; Chem. Abstr. 1984, 100, 56722n).
The grains are recommended as a diet in colic, choleric diarrhoea, flexus and abdominal obstructions.
1. Grierson, A.J.C and D.G. Long (1987). Flora of Bhutan including a record of plants from Sikkim (Vol. 1, part 1). Royal Botanical Garden, Edinburgh.
2. Progress Report of the project " Studies on Medicinal Plants of Sikkim" (1998- 2001). State council of Science and Technology for Sikkim.