Species : Ephreda gerardenia var.sikkimensis Royle
Local Name : Somlata (Lep).
Synonym :
Family : Gnetaceae.
Habitat : A low growing rigid tufted shrub. Thrives well in cold and moist places.
Distribution : Distributed to temperate and alpine Himalayas.
Sikkim :These species are distributed at marshy places, Thathangchen, Rinkhola, Jorethang and Yumthang.
Out side : Western Tibet.
A low- growing rigid tufted shrub with usually a guarded jointed stem and erect green branches, 6 inches 4 ft. Spikelets sub sessile often whorled; fruiting with often fleshy red succulent bracts. 2 seeded. Seeds biconvex or plano- convex.
Flowering :
Fruiting :
Parts : Whole plant.
Status : Vulnerable.
: It has got the following
properties. Cardiac and circulatory, stimulant. Diuretic in
urticaria, angioneurotic oedema in asthma.
1. Biswas, K (1956). Common Medicinal Plants of Darjeeling and the Sikkim Himalayas. M/S Bengal Government Press, West Bengal. 84.
2. Progress Report of the Project "Studies on Medicinal Plants of Sikkim" (1998- 2001). State Council of Science and Technology for Sikkim.