Basic Information



Species                      : Embelia ribes Burman.

Local Name               :

Synonym                   :

Family                        : Myrsinaceae

Habitat                       : A large scandent shrub.

Distribution                : Distributed through out India tropical and sub- temperate region.

Sikkim                         : Rathongla to Temi, Gangtok, Burmeok, Mamring, Meung (North Sikkim).

Out side                      : West Bengal (Mirik, Mungpo), Orissa, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Assam, Ceylon, Malaya and South China.

Morphological information

A large scandent shrub. Leaves elliptic- oblong, coriaceous, narrowed at both ends entire shining above, paler beneath, glabrous; petiole often margined or glandular. Flowers polygamous, greenish yellow in colour, borne in panicles, grey- pubescent; pedicles longer than the flowers and fruits. Calyx lobes acute. Petals elliptic, acute, stamens on short filaments. Fruits berries, succulent, wrinkled when dry, black. Seeds, solitary globose, aromatic and somewhat pungent.

Flowering                   : August-September

Fruiting                      : October-December

History                      :

Parts                        : Fruits, seeds, leaves, root- bark and root.

Status                      : Low risk.


A new compound  vilangin (0.06%), mp. 264 degree, identified as methylenebis- (2, 5- dihydroxy- 4- undecyl- 3, 6- benzoquinone)  -isolated from berries (Curr. Sci. 1961, 30, 259); isolation, structure and synthesis of vilagin (J. Org. Chem. 1961, 26, 4529. Bull. Nat. Inst. Sci. India No.28, 1966, 14; Chem. Abstr. 1967, 66, 28481 u).



In Ayurveda it is used in "Vidangarishta" and "Videngasava," as a carminative and anthelmintic and in "Vidangadi Lauoh" with clove, borax, arsenic, mercury salt, nutmerg, Piper longum, black pepper (Piper nigrum) etc. as a vermifuge. Cures tumours, ascites bronchitis, mental diseases, dyspnaea disease of the heart, urinary discharges; used in snake bite, jaundice, hemicranias, worms and in wounds.


 In unani system, seeds are used for kidney affections also, and are an ingredient of "Hab Ashkar", for cure of spleen disorders in children of "Sufy Chutaki", a carminative for children and of "Majun Kalkalanj"' it removes bad tumors from the body.



 The fruits are well known anthelmintic of Indian systems and may be used in flatulence of children and for external application in the case of skin disease. Pulp is purgative, juice is cooling, diuretic laxatives. Decoction of seeds is beneficial in fevers, skin diseases and chest complaints. Power or infusion given to expel intestinal worms. Young leaves in combination with ginger are used as a gargle for aphthae and indolent ulcers in the mouth as well as sore throat. Root bark paste externally applied to chest in pneumonia; powder is a good remedy for toothache, root infusion beneficial in cough and diarrhoea.



1. Chatterjee, Asmia; Satyesh Chandra Pakrashi. The Treatise on Indian Medicinal plants, (Vol. 4). Publications and Information Directorate, New Delhi. 51- 52.

2. Kirtikar K.R. & B.D Basu. Indian Medicinal Plants Enterprises, Rajpur road, Dehradun, Uttranchal. 2045- 2047.

3. Progress Report of the Project "Studies on Medicinal Plants of Sikkim" (1998- 2001). State Council of Science and Technology for Sikkim.

4. Thakur, R.S; H.S Puri; Akhtar Husain (1989). Major Medicinal Plants of India, Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Lucknow, India. 271- 273.