Basic Information



Species                        : Emblica officinalis Gaertn.

Local Name                  : Amla (Nep), Amlokung (Lep).

Synonym                     : Phylanthus embelica Linn.

Family                          : Euphorbiaceae

Habitat                        : It is a deciduous tree, small or middle sized with a crooked trunk. The plant grows

                                    throughout India up to 4,500 ft.

Distribution                : Throughout tropical and subtropical region.

Sikkim                         : Tukman (Sangadorjee), Reshi, Legshep.

Out side                      : China, Malay Islands.


Morphological information

The tree is deciduous, small or middle sized with a crooked trunk and spreading branches, leaves, sub sessile 10- 13 by 2.5- 8.0 mm closely set along the branchlets distichous, light green, glabrous, narrowly linear obtuse, imbricate when young. Flowers greenish yellow in axillary fosicles on the leaf bearing branchlets often on the naked position below the leaves. Male flowers numerous on short slender pedicels. Sepals 6, oblong obtuse 12mm long disk o. Anthers 3 on a short central column. Female flowers few sub sessile sepals as in the nake. Disk a lacerate cup. Ovary 3- celled; Styles connate at the base. Irregularly 2 fid with acute lobes. Fruit 1.3- 1.6 cm. Drain, fleshy globose with 6 obscure vertical furrows, pale yellow, of three 2– seeded crustaceous cocci, seeds 6, 3 gonous.



Since ancient time Amlaki is worshipped as an auspicious fruit and respected as a symbol of good health. It is believed that a person, having Amlaki fruit in his hand never becomes sick. The festival Amala Navami is also celebrated in Kartika Shukla month of Hindu calendar, which is the beginning of winter season or healthy season, the Amlaki tree are socially and religiously propagated among people and cultivated for the promotion of good health.Amlaki is described as Rasayan Anshadha, meaning that it delays the aging process. It is one of the three constituents of the group triphala (e.g. three fruits- Haritaki, Bibhitaka and Amalaki) and main component of Chyavenprash. In temple architecture, also, Amalaki is given respect as a holy fruit and its replica implanted as Amalak, Bhumyamalaka, and various faces of tomb and pillars of the temple.

Parts            : Fruit (Raw and Dried), leaves.

Status          : Endangered.


Indole acetic acid and four other auxins -al. A3, a4 and a5 detected in immature fruits; two growth inhibitors- R1 and R2 also detected in fruits (New Phylol 1981, 88, 53; Chem Abstr. 1981, 95,147283q).



Guna, laghu, Ruksha. Rosa: All rasas present except lavana. Veerya: sheela. Vipaka: Madhura Dosha: Tridoshara. Karma: Rasayana, Pramehaghna, Shukrala, Deepana, Keshya, Medhya, Chakshusya, Anulomana.


Dried fruit is useful in hemorrhoid, diarrhoea and dysentery in combination with iron

used for anemia jaundice and dyspepsia. The fruit is successfully used in the treatment of human scurvy. Alcoholic extract of the plant has shown an increase in the cardiac glycogen and a decrease in serum GOT, GPT and LDH in isoprotenol penetrated rates, suggesting a cardio protective action. It shows a reduction in serum cholesterol levels and a significant antiatherogenic effect. The leaf is used in conjunctivitis, bronchitis and leucorrhoea. The juice of fresh bark with honey and turmeric is given in urinary infections.



1. Kirtikar K.R, Basu B.D (1994). Indian Medicinal Plants (2nd Edition) Vol. 3.

2220- 2222.

2. Progress Report of the Project "Studies on Medicinal Plants of Sikkim" (1998- 2001). State Council of Science and Technology for Sikkim.