Basic Information



Species                        : Datura metel Linn.

Local Name                  : Kalo Dhatora (Nep).

Synonym                     : D. fastuosa L., D. alba Nees

Family                          : Solanaceae.

Habitat                        : The coarse herbs. Thrives well in hot places.

Distribution                : Distributed commonly in the roadside, wastelands and scrub jungle.

Sikkim                         : Rhenock, Rangpo- Jorethang, Dikchu- Siingtam, Sangkalang- Bay, and Rangpo- Rongli.

Out side                      : West Bengal, Great Rangit Valley, and Jalpaiguri.


Morphological information

A coarse herb, minutely pubescent. Leaves large, entire sinuate or toothed, base unequal. Flowers erect, whitish- purple. Calyx long tubular 5- toothed at the apex. Corolla long tubular to funnel- shaped, mouth wide. Stamens attached near the base of the tube, filaments filiform; anthers included, linear, longitudinally dehiscent. Ovary 2-or spuriously; 4-celled; style filiform, stigma 2-lobed. Capsule globose or ellipsoid, nodding, spinous, 4- valved or irregularly breaking up near the apex. Seeds compressed, rugose, and brown.

Flowering                    : July-December.

Fruiting                       : April – June.

History                        :

Parts                          : Seeds, leaves and root.

Status                         : Low risk.


3K, 6,-  Ditogloyloxytropane, 3K,  6,- ditiglyoxyloxytropan 7, -ol, tigloidine, apophyoscine, hyoscine, 3K- togloylloxytropane, norhyoscine, meteloidine, hyoscyamine, cuscohygrine and tropine from roots (Bangladesh Pharm J. 1973, 2, 25; Chem. Abstr. 1974, 80, 57429c); -sitosterol, scopolamine and fastusine from pericarp (Bangladesh J Sci.Ind.Res.1974, 9, 79; Chem. Abstr. 1975, 82, 28529) triterpene- daturandone-  isolated and found identical to daturaolene; daturaolene and daturadiol from fruits; structure of latter compound determine (Indian J.Pharm. 1977, 39, 23191u); scopolamine, hyoscyamine and a mixture of two unidentified alkaloids from leaves (J. Nat. Res. Counc. Thailand 1978, 10, 77; Chem. Abstr. 1979, 91, 105206 d); seed oil yielded 4K- methylsterols 3 1- norlanost- 9(l 1) enol (2.0), 31- 'norcycloartenoid (6.0), cycloeucalenol (4.0), 31- naorlanost- 8- enol (1.0), 31- 4P norlanosterol (2.0), obtusifbliol (73.0) 4K- methylcholeata- 8- enol (2.0) lophenol (3.0) and citrostadienol (3.0%) (Phytochemistry 1978, 17, 971).



The plant boiled with milk may be used in insanity. "Kanakasva," a well known- preparation used in Ayurveda in bronchial troubles is prepared from Datura metal, Justica adhatoda, Glyeyrrhiza glabra, Woodfoordia fruticosa and some sweetening agents.


In Unani system, "Roghan Datura” used as massage oil for the paralyzed part. Seeds are used in "Haba Shafa" for asthma.


Datura has been used since ancient time for its intoxicating and narcotic properties. Both the seeds and leaves are inhaled in whooping cough, asthma and other respiratory diseases. For the rheumatic swellings of joints, lumbago sciatica and neuralgia, warm leaf smeared with oil is used as a bandage or sometimes the leaf is made into a poultice and applied. The decoction prepared from few seeds is given orally in case of dog- bites. (Project report 1999)




1. Chatterjee, Asima, Satyesh Chandra Pakrashi (1995). The Treatise on Indian Medicinal Plants (Vol. 4). Publications and Information Directorate, New Delhi. 173-  174.

2. Progress Report of the Project "Studies on Medicinal Plants of Sikkim" (1998- 2001). State Council of Science and Technology for Sikkim.

3. Thakur, R.S., H.S. Puri, Akhtar Hussein (1989). Major Medicinal Plants of India, Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Lucknow. 247- 248