Basic Information



 Species                       : Colebrookes oppositifolia Sm.

Local Name                 : Ghusre (Nep), Kumfajem kung (Lep)

Synonym                     : C. ternifloia

Family                          : Labiatae

Habitat                        : A shrub.

Sikkim                          : North Regu, Jorthang- Namchi, Majhitaar, Manpur, Simsar, Jorethang, Melli,

                                                                                               Naya Bazar to Sombaria, Tashiding- Legship,   Singtam, Chalisay to Jorethang, Ranipool.

Distribution                : Distributed to temperate region.

Out side                      : West Bengal.

General                       : More or less throughout India on low hills.

Morphological information

A dioecious much- branched shrub 1.2- 3 m high, trunk stout, light coloured; branched pale, sub quadrangular, usually verticillate in threes, grooved; young shoots downy. Leaves light green, crowded towards the ends of the branches, opposite or verticillate in threes, 10-15 by 2.2- 4.5 cm, oblong- lanceolate, acute, crenulate or serrulate, softly pubescent on both sides, base acute; petioles1- 2.5 cm long. Flowers numerous, in paniculate often ternately arranged spikes 5-10 cm long by 6 mm diam. in flower, reaching 1.3 an diam. or more in fruit; bracts 1.5 mm long, solitary, linear, pubescent; bracteoles several, 2 mm long, connate at the base into a whorl Calyx in flower 2.5-3 mm long, 5- partite almost to the base; teeth subulate. Plumore with while hairs, elongating to nearly 6 mm in fruit when the spikes appear, like squirrels tails. Corolla 2 mm long, while; upper lobe emarginate. Nutlets 0.85 mm long, oblong- obovoid, pubescent, usually solitary, hairy at the tip.

Flowering            :

Fruiting               :

History               :

Parts                  : Roots and leaves.

Status                : Low risk.

 Traditional         : The stem and leaves is used by the local people to extract worms from bad sores on their legs


1. Chopra, R.N., S.L Nayar, I.C. Chopra (1999). Glossary of Indian Medicinal Plants. National Institute of Science Communication, CSIR, New Delhi, 74.

2. Kirtikar, K.R & B.D. Basu (1994). Indian Medicinal Plants Vol. III Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh, Dehradun, 1977-1978.

3. Progress Report of the Project "Studies on Medicinal Plants of Sikkim" (1998- 2001). State Council of Science and Technology for Sikkim.