Basic Information



 Species                       : Clematis montana Hamilt. ex. Dc.

Local Name                 :

Synonym                     : Clematis nepaulensis DC

Family                          : Ranunculaceae

Habitat                        : An evergreen climber found in shady moist ravines

Distribution                  : Distributed to temperate regions.

Sikkim                          : Kyangnosla, Legship, Yumthang, Bakhim, Memenchu.

Out side                      : West Bengal (Ramam, Sirikhola, Sinchel, Tonglu, Darjeeling), temperate Himalayas from Garhwal to Bhutan, Kumaon

                                   (4500- 7000 feet).

General                      : Afghanistan, Himalaya (Kashmir- Bhutan), Meghalaya, West & Central China, and Taiwan.

Morphological information

An evergreen climber with spreading stems often forming dense masses and attaining up to 12 m high and 20 mm diameter. Bark pale brown, rough, exfoliating in loose fibrous strips. Leaves mostly fascicled on arrested branches, trifoliate. Petiole usually 2.5- 5 cm long, sometimes less. Leaflets variable, 3.8- 12.7 by 0.7- 3 cm, entire or more or less deeply 3-   lobed, sometimes to the base very membranous, usually lanceolate or linear lanceolate, acute, glabrous, glossy beneath. Flowers greenish, on axillary fascicled, slender, drooping peduncles 2.5- 6.3 cm long. Sepals 15- 18 mm long, erect, densely silky-pubescent outside. Filaments glabrous, pink. Anthers lilac. Peduncles with two connate membranous green bracts forming a cup about 6mm below the flower (12- 20 mm below the fruit) sometimes enlarged foliacioius, achenes hairy; style exceeding 2.5 cm.

Flowering                       : June-October

Fruiting                          : August-December

History                          :

Parts                             : Leaves.

Status                           : Low risk.


 A new triterpenic saponin- clemontanoside A-  isolated from leaves and its structure determined (Phytochemistry 1989, 28, 2511); isolation of pentacosaine, ocatcosanone, friedelin, β-amyrin, oleanolic acid, β- sitosterol and its glucoside from leaves and stems (Fitoterapia 1989, 60, 477; ibid. 1993, 64, 472); isolation and structure elucidation of a new saponin- clemontanoside B- from leaves (Int. 3. Crude Drug Res. 1990, 28, 39); two saponins isolated and characterized as 3- 0- β-  ribopyranosyl (1- 3)- α  -rhamnosyl(1_2)α -arabinopyranoside- 28- 0- α -L -rhamnopyranosyI(1- 4)- α- D- glucosyl(1- 6)- β- D  glucopyrosnoside and 3- 0- ribopyranosyl (1- 3)- α- L- rhamnosyl (1- 2) -α- L-arabinopyranoside of hederagenin (Int. 3. Crude Drug Res. 1990, 28, 125); another saponin- clemontanoside C- isolated from stem and characterized as hederagenin- 3- 0- α-L- arabinopyranoside and hederagenin -3- 0- α- L- rhamnopyranosyl (1- 2) -α- L-arabinopyranoside and hederagenin  -3- 0- α- L- rhamnopyranosyl (1- 2) -α- L-arabinopyranoside also isolated (Phytochemistry 1993, 33, 671); isolation and structure determination of a new triterpenic bisglycoside clemontanoside F- from roots (Phytochemistry l993, 34861).



Its fresh roots are crushed and tightened in a clean cotton cloth and heated over an oven for two minutes. During this process, strong fume is produced, the inhalation of which through nose relieves sinus. (Nepali System).


Medicinal       :    Leaves are said to act deleteriously on the skin.




1. Kirtikar, K.R., B.D. Basu (1993). Indian Medicinal Plants (Vol. 1). Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh Dehradun, 4.

2. Progress Report of the Project "Studies on Medicinal Plants of Sikkim" (1998- 2001). State Council of Science and Technology for Sikkim.