Basic Information



 Species                     : Chenopodium ambrosoides Linn.

Local Name                :

Synonym                   :

Family                        : Chenopodiaceae

Habitat                       : A tall, erect, much branched, highly aromatic herb. It is a weed usually

occurring  in cultivated fields and mostly associated with Xanthium strumarium. Thrives in waste places.

Distribution                 : A native of West Indies and southern India and to sub temperate parts of the state.

Sikkim                          : Ranipool

Out side                       : West Bengal, Deccan South India. It is a native to tropical America.

General                        : Native of tropical America, widely distributed.

Morphological information

A tall, erect, much branched, highly aromatic herb with a camphoraceous odour, puberulous and glandular not mealy; stem and branches striate more or less glandular- pubescent. Leaves often with glands, 3.8- 8 by 0.6- 2.5 cm oblong- lanceolate, obtuse or acute, sinuate- dentate the upper leaves almost entire, base tapering, running down into a short often- obscure petiole. Flowers minute, clustered, forming slender axillary and terminal simple or paniculate leafy spikes, some times polygamous. Sepals’ orbicular- ovate, concave, obtuse, not keeled, closing over the fruit. Stigmas usually 5. utricle membranous. Seeds 0.85 mm diameter, orbicular smooth shining with an obtuse margin.

Flowering                    : March-December

Fruiting                       : March- December

History                       :

Parts                          : Whole plant

Status                        : Low risk.


Triterpene glycosides- chenopodosides A and B- isolated; oil contained high content of ascaridole along with Xylene isomers, p- cymene, an alcohol and four carboxylic acids; essential oil contained major constituent (-) pinocarveol and (+) Alpha- pinene and ascaridole.


The herb is considered tonic, pectoral emmenagogue and antispasmasmodic and is employed in treating nervous affections particularly cholera. The dried herbs are anthelmintic against round and hook worms. A tincture of the green leaves is given to suppress cough. The bruised leaves are used for ulcers and sores. A decoction of the herb is given as an internal haemostatic and the infusion is sudorific and diuretic. It is given in cold and stomachache. The herb causes mild hay fever.
In veterinary medicine, the decoction is administered sometimes along with C. album to sheep and goats for anemia. The fruit and the volatile oil obtained from distilling the fruits with steam or water are used as anthelmintic chiefly for ascaris and ankylostomum. The plants yield essential oil as tonic and antispasmodic. It is used for remedy for nervous breakdown.


1. Anonymous (1961). The Wealth of India (Vol. 3). Publications and Information Directorate, CSIR, New Delhi, 466- 467.
2. Bhujel, R.B. (1996). Studies on the Dicotyledonous Flora of Darjeeling District. Unpublished PhD Thesis University of North Bengal, 688.
3. Kirtikar, K.R. & B.D. Basu. Indian Medicinal Plants with illustrations. Oriental Enterprises. Rajpur Road, Dehradun, Uttaranchal, 2858- 2861.
4. Progress Report of the Project "Studies on Medicinal Plants of Sikkim" (1998- 2001). State Council of Science and Technology for Sikkim.