Basic Information




 Species                       : Centella asiatica Linn.

Local Name                : Golpatta, Attaney (Nep)

Synonym                     : Hydrocotyl asiatica Linn.

Family                         : Apiaceae, Umbelliferae

Habitat                       : It is a small herbaceous plant creeping on the ground particularly during rainy season. Common in moist shady places all over India.

Distribution                : Distributed in temperate and tropical areas, 400- 1500 m.

Sikkim                         : Hee- Gyathang to Dikchu, Pentong to Sakyong, Dentam, Gangtok, Rongli to Padamchen.

Out side                      : West Bengal (Darjeeling, Kalimpong, Rongbe Chu, Rangit river, Torsa River), Cereal, Gujarat, Punjab, Andhra Pradesh.

Morphological information

A prostrate, faintly aromatic, stoloniferous perennial herb up to 2 m long, commonly found as a weed in crop fields and other waste places throughout India. Stem glabrous, pink and striated, rooting at the nodes. Leaves fleshy, orbicular- reniform, crenate dentate, base cordate and often lobed, long petioled, smooth on the upper surface and sparsely hairy on the lower; flowers red, pink or white, in fascicled umbels; fruits oblong, dull brown, laterally compressed, pericarp hard and thickened, woody, white, in fascicled umbels; fruiting oblong, dull brown, laterally compressed, pericarp hard and thickened, woody, white.

Flowering                     : April-May

Fruiting                        : May-August

History                        :

Parts                           : Whole plant, leaves.

Status                         : Low risk



 The plant is propagated from seeds or from stolons.



The important preparation made from this are "Brahmi Gharitam", 'Sarasuarista" and "Brahmi Rasayana". Mandukaparni is considered one of Rasayana (rejuvenating) drugs and is used to make the colour of the body fair, to improve memory and to prolong the life span. The whole plant is used for external application as well as for internal administration. Mixed with milk or the decoction boiled in ghee may also be given along with Glycyorrhiza glabra is used externally, in the form of powder, plaster, ointment, water bath or infusion, it is used for treating skin disease of varied nature such as chronic and obstinate ulcers, eczema, psoriasis and leprous wounds.



Leaf extract (juice) is popular medicine for gastritis. A glassful of juice taken every morning in empty stomach as toxic and stimulant and increase memory power (Project report).


The plant is valued in indigenous medicine for treatment of leprosy and skin diseases and also to improve memory. The plant is used as an antidote to cholera. A cold poultice of the fresh herb is used as an external application in rheumatism, elephantiasis and hydrocele.Syrup of the leaves with ginger and black pepper is taken for cough. Leaf juice with palm jaggery is given to women as a tonic after delivery. The leaf juice is rubbed on the forehead to cure severe headache. The leaf extract is used in the preparation of medicated oil for bone fracture. The leaves are diuretic. Pills prepared from the paste of leaves of the plant and Ocimum sanctum and black pepper are used in the treatment of intermittent fever


1. Anonymous (1961). The Wealth of India (Vol. 3). Publications and Information Directorate, CSIR. New Delhi, 428- 430.

2. Anonymous (1992). The Useful Plants of India. Publications and Information Directorate, CSIR. New Delhi, 115, 161- 164.

3. Bhujel, R.B. (1996). Studies on the Dicotyledonous Flora of Darjeeling District. Unpublished PhD Thesis University of North Bengal. 368.

4. Grierson, A.I.C. & D.G. Long (1999). Flora of Bhutan (Vol. 2, Part 2). Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh, 446.%

5. Handa, S.S. and M.K. Kaul. Supplement to Cultivation and Utilization of Medicinal Plants. Regional Research Laboratory Jammu Tari. 36.

6.  Progress Report of the Project “Studies on Medicinal Plants of Sikkim” (1988 – 2001).

7.  Thakur, R.S., H.S. Puri, Akhtar Hussain (1989). Major Medicinal Plants of India. Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants. Lucknow.