Basic Information




 Species                     : Celastrus paniculatus Willdenow.

Local Name                : Malka guni(Nep), Ruklim (Lep)

Synonym                   :

Family                        : Celastraceae

Habitat                       : A large, woody, climbing shrub. It loves to grow in warm and dry places.

Distribution                : Distributed all over India, up to an altitude of 1,800 m.

Sikkim                         : Hee Patal, Prekchu- Yuksom, Singhik- Tung, Melli- Jorethang, Singtam, Rangpo, Bay to Tholung, Hee- Gyathang, and Dikchu.

Out side                      : West Bengal (Rangit Valley, Pulbazaar, Takdah, Sevoke, Kurseong), Hilly areas of Maharastra, Gujarat and Tamil Nadu, found

                                     also in the Middle and South Andamans. Burma, Malay Peninsula and Archipelago, Myenmar, Sri Lanka, China, Australia.

Morphological information

The plant is up to 20 m height; twigs are reddish brown, densely covered over

with small- elongated white lenticels. Leaves up to 10 cm long and 7.5 cm broad, elliptic ovate, serrate and acuminate. Flowers green, in terminal drooping panicles. Fruit is a bright yellow colour red globose capsule. Seeds are completely enclosed within the orange- red pulp.

Flowering: June-July

Fruiting: Septmber -December


Parts: Roots, Seeds.

Status: Low risk


The seeds on extraction with petroleum ether yield dark brown oil known as

celastrus oil or Malkanguni oil having the following chemical composition. The fatty acid composition of the oil is: palmitic, 31.2%; stearic, 3.5%; oleic, 22.5%; linolieic 15.7%; and linolenic, 22.2%. The nonglyceride portion of the oil contains three sesquiuterpene alkaloids, celapagine, celapanigene and celapanine and five polyalcohol esters. One of them was identified as malkagunin, an acetate benzoate of malkaguinol; other four esters on hydrolysis gave, polyalcohol A (C15H26O6; mp 185- 86.50 degree C) polyalcohol B (Celapanol, C15H2605; mp 236- 39 degree C) polyalcohol C (C15H26O6 mp 205- 07degree C) and polyalcohol D (C15H26P5; mp 243- 45 degree C) which are esterified with one or more of acetic, benzoic, p- furaonioc and p- nicotinic acids. The seeds also contain celastrine, apniculatadioil, 0- amyrin, P- sitosterol and a bitter resin. Isolation and crystal structure of malkanguinol; isolation and structure elucidation of a new sesquiterpene ester- malkangunin-  and of two new sesquiterpenoid esters- celaphine and celapanigine; a new new triterpene diol- paniculatadiol- isolated with Beta- amyrin, Beta-sitosterol and fatty acids from seed oil.



The seeds are hot, bitter, acrid, dry, appetizer, laxative, emetic, aphrodisiac; powerful brain tonic, removes "Vata" and "Kapha"; causes burning sensation. The oil enriches the blood and cures abdominal complaints. The commonly used Ayurvedic preparation is "Malkan gani Tel."


The seeds are used as an expectorant, tonic to the brain and the liver cure joint pain, paralysis and weakness. The oil is stomachic, tonic; good for cough and asthma; used in leprosy; cures headache and leucoderma. "Roghan Malkangani", consisting of seed oil is used.



The seeds are useful both as an external and internal remedy in rheumatism, gout, paralysis, leprosy and other disorders that are supposed to be caused by cold humours. Crushed and combined with aromatics, they are said to be very efficient in removing local pains of a rheumatic or malarious nature. The seeds are taken as a tonic with sugar and ghee. A black empyreumatic oil is obtained by distillation, considered a sovereign remedy for Beri- Beri. In doses of from ten to fifteen drops, twice daily, it is a powerful stimulant.

The crushed root is used for pneumonia. A paste of root bark is applied on swollen veins. The bark is considered to be an rtifacient and its dry powder is sprinkled on cuts for healing. A decoction of the wood is used in stomach disorders. The leaves are emmenagogue and antidysentric and the juice is given as an antidote in opium poisioning.


1. Anonymous (1961). The Wealth of India (Vol. 3). Publications and Information Directorate, CSIR. New Delhi. 412- 413.

2. Bhujel, R.B. (1996). Studies on the Dicotyledonous Flora of Darjeeling District. Unpublished Ph.D Thesis University of North Bengal. 189.

3. Kirtikar, K.R., B.D.Basu (1993). Indian Medicinal Plants (Vol. 1) Singh Mahendra Pal Singh, Dehradun, 574- 576.

4. Progress Report of the Project "Studies on Medicinal Plants of Sikkim" (1998- 2001). State Council of Science and Technology for Sikkim.

5. Thakur, R.S., H.S. Puri, and Akhtar Hussain (1989). Major Medicinal Plants of India. Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Lucknow, 156- 157.