Basic Information




Species                        : Cedrela toona Rottler & Willdenow

Local Name                  : Tooni (Nep), Poma, Somal(Lep)

Synonym                     : Toona ciliata Roemer.

Family                          : Meliaceae

Habitat                       : A tall tree reaching up to 18 m.

Distribution                : Distributed to temperate to sub- temperate regions.

Sikkim                         : Mamring forest, 5000 ft.; Hee- Gyathang (Ravong), Lingthem (Dzongu), Hee Yangthang (West Sikkim).

Out side                     : Chittagong, Assam, Burma, Chota Nagpur, Ganjam, Western Ghats of Bombay to the Nilgiris and Anamalais and other hills of

                                     West Peninsula, West Bengal (Birik, Gorutbathan, Kalimpong, Peshok, Mirik).

General                      : Afghanistan, Himalaya, India, Sri Lanka, East China.

Morphological information

A tall tree; branches numerous, forming a shady head. Leaves abruptly pinnate, 30- 45 cm long or more; leaflets opposite or alternate, 4- 15 pairs, lanceolate or ovate lanceolate, acumninate, entire or slightly undulate, glabrous, base in equilateral, the upper side usually larger rounded, the lower smaller acute; petiolules 6- 12 mm long.Flowers white honey scented in large drooping terminal more or less pubescent panicles nearly as long as the leaves. Buds ovoid or oblong; pedicels short, slender. Calyx divided nearly to the base. Lobes orbicular- ovate, ciliate. Petals 5mm long, broadly elliptic, obscurely veined, ciliate, keeled at the base inside. Stamens 5, each inserted on one of the orange- colored hairy lobes of the disk. Anthers oblong, cordate, rounded and apiculate at the apex. Ovary hairy ovoid or sub-globose; stigma 1.25mm diameter. Capsules oblong 2- 2.5 cm long. Seeds with a membranous wing at each end, about 2 cm long including the wings.

Flowering  :

Fruiting     :

History    :

Parts       : Bark, seeds.

Status     : Vulnerable.


Cedrelone, 1,2 dihydrocedrelone, bergapten and beta- sitosterol isolated (Phytochemistry 1971, 10, 2533; Planta Med. 1975, 28, 52); a new tetranortriterpenoid-6- deoxycedrelone isolated (Planta Med. 1975, 28, 52); a cournarin   siderin isolated from wood (Phytochemistry 1975, 14, 1673); two new B- secotetranortriterpenoidstoonacilin and 6- acetoxytoonacilin isolated from bark and their structures elucidated.



The bark is astringent to the bowels, cooling, aphrodisiac, tonic, fattening; useful in ulcers, leprosy, removes "Tridosha"; burning sensation; cures fevers, itching, headache, biliousness and blood complaints.


The bark is bitter, cardiotonic, aphrodisiac, expectorant, astringent to the bowels, anthelmintic; good for scabies and gleets. The seeds have the same properties.


The bark is a powerful astringent and has been used with success in chronic infantile dysentery and as a local astringent application in various forms of ulceration.


1. Anonymous (1992). The Useful Plants of India. Publications and Information Directorate, CSIR. New Delhi. 112- 113.

2. Kirtikar, K.R., B.D.Basu (1993). Indian Medicinal Plants (Vol. I). Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh Dehradun. 783- 785.

3. Progress Report of the Project "Studies on Medicinal Plants of Sikkim" (1998- 2001). State Council of Science and Technology for Sikkim.