Basic Information



Species                       : Cassia occidentalis Linn.

Local Name                : Panwar (Nep)

Synonym                    :

Family                         : Fabaceae

Habitat                       : An erect, foetid, annual herb or under shrub.

Distribution                : Distributed throughout India generally in tropical areas.

Sikkim                         : Rabong, 2400 m; Gyalshing, 1500 m.

Out side                     : West Bengal, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan.

General                      : Pantropic.

Morphological information

An erect, foetid, annual herb or under shrub, 60- 150 cm high. Leaves 15- 20 cm long, lanceolate. or ovate -lanceolate, leaflets 3 pairs, membranous, glaucous, ovate or lanceolate.Flowers in short racemes; yellow, pods recurved, glabrous, compressed 10-13 cm. Seeds dark olive green, ovoid compressed 6mm X 4mm, hard, smooth, shining.

Flowering               : May-August

Fruiting                  : September-December

History                  :

Parts                     : Whole plant.

Status                   : Low risk


The leaves contain chrysophanol, emodin, their glycosides, physiocin, metteucinol- 7- rhamnoside, jaceidin- 7- rhamnoside and 4,4,5,5  -tetrahydroxy-  2, 2-dimethyl- 1, 1 -bainthraquinone.



The root is useful in ringworm, elephantiasis and scorpion sting. The leaves are tasty; aphrodisiac, alexeteric; cures cough, hiccough, asthma, "Kaphaff and "vata" sweetish, bitter, stomachic; cure "tridosha" fevers, good for sore throat and biliousness.


The root is a cure for snakebite, the juice when fresh is useful in ringworm; heals wounds; cures ascites. The fruit is a cure for scorpion sting. The seeds are bitter; they are used in heat of the blood, for winter cough and for cough in animals.


The plant is used to cure sore eyes, haematuria, rheumatism, typhoid, asthma and disorders of hemoglobin and also reported to cure leprosy. A decoction of the plant is used in hysteria, in dysentery and other stomach troubles and also as an application to sores, itch and inflammation of the rectum. A decoction of the leaves is given to children as a mild vermifuge; the hot decoction is given as an antiperiodic and is reported to be preferred to quininine for its tonic properties. They are used in the inflammatory swellings, rheumatism, wounds, sprains and wrenches and also given in jaundice, pleurisy, headache and toothache. The leaf paste is also applied externally for bone fracture. The seeds are useful in cough and whooping cough, convulsions and in heart diseases. The roots are given along with lime in case of malaria.


1. Anonymous (1961). The Wealth of India (Vol. 3). Publications and Information Directorate, CSIR. New Delhi. 349- 352.

2. Bhujel, R.B. (1996). Studies on the Dicotyledonous Flora of Darjeeling District. Unpublished Ph.D Thesis University of North Bengal. 236.

3. Kirtikar, K.R, B.D.Basu (1993). Indian Medicinal Plants. Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh, Dehradun, 860- 863.

4. Progress Report of the Project "Studies on Medicinal Plants of Sikkim" (1998- 2001). State Council of Science and Technology for Sikkim.