Basic Information




Species                      : Belamcanda chinensis DC

Local Name               :

Synonym                   :

Family                        : Iridaceae

Habitat                       : It is a herb.

Distribution                : Mostly cultivated and distributed all over India up to an altitude of 1,800 m.

Sikkim                         : Rinchenpong (Sangadorjee), Rhagdong Tintek (Aritar).

Out side                      : West Bengal.


Morphological information

Rhizome creeping; stem erect, corymbosely branched; leaves obliquely linear-lanceolate; flowers yellow or deep orange with red dots, 6-12 inch a sheath; capsules trigonous, with a columns of black seeds.

Flowering           : September- October

Fruiting              : December-February

History              :

Parts                 : Rhizome.

Status               : Cultivated, endangered in wild.



The rhizome is bitter and acrid and is reported to possess anti-pyretic, expectorant, deobstruent, carminative, alexipharmic, aperients, diuretic and resolvent properties. It is used as a remedy in tonsillitis, gonorrhea, and pulmonary blood. The rhizome is also used against laryngeal tumours and breast cancer.


Freshly collected taproot is administered orally in case of food poisoning locally known as 'hartal'. The oral administration causes diarrhea to the sufferers that helps to eliminate the poisonous substances. It is also used as abortifacient (dose 250   300 ml juice extract of root).



1. Anonymous (1988). The Wealth of India (Vol. VIII). Publications and Information Directorate, CSIR, New Delhi. 103.

2. Kirtikar, K.R. & B.D. Basu (1994). Indian Medicinal Plants (Vol. IV). Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh, Dehradun, 2464.

3. Progress Report of the Project "Studies on Medicinal Plants of Sikkim" (1998-2001). State Council of Science and Technology for Sikkim.