Basic Information




Species                        : Begonia picta Smith.

Local Name                 : Magarkache (Nep)

Synonym                     :

Family                          : Begoniaceae

Habitat                       : Stemless herb, terrestrial.

Distribution                :

Sikkim                         : Common in subtropical and temperate region inside cardamom field.

Out side                     : Found in the Himalayas from Himachal Pradesh to Assam, Meghalaya, Manipur and in West Bengal, Bihar, Madhya

                                     Pradesh, Orissa, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu ascending to an altitude of 2000 m.

General                       : Himalaya (Punjab Bhutan), Assam.

Morphological information

Rootstock tuberous; stem less or with stems up to 20 cm. Leaf usually only 1, basal, sometimes with another cauline leaf, ovate 5- 15 X 3- 9 cm, acuminate, base +- equally cordate, margin finely serrate dentate, sometimes weakly lobed, coarsely hairy on upper surface, hairs waited at base; petioles 1.5- 12 an. Outer perianth segments broadly elliptic, 10- 15 X 8- 10mm, white or pink, inner segments 5- 6 X 2- 3 mm. Stamens numerous forming a globose mass c5mm in diameter. Styles 3, connate at base, each deeply divided into 2 twisted branches; ovary shaggily pubescent. Capsules ellipsoid 10- 15 X 7 mm; wings +- ascending, triangular, the largest 2- 2.5 cm, the smaller pair 0.7- 1 cm.

Flowering                  : August- September

Fruiting                     : August-September

History                     :

Parts                        : Leaves.

Status                       : Low risk



They are used as a remedy for colic and dysentery. Juice extracted from the freshly collected leaves is applied in nose in case of sinusitis



The dewdrops accumulated on leaves are collected and applied on wounds or at the site of ear pierce to put ring.



1. Anonymous (1998). The Wealth of India (Vol. 2), Raw Materials. Publication and Information Directorate, CSIR, New Delhi. 102.

2. Grierson, A.J.C. and D.G. Long (1991). Flora of Bhutan including a record of plants from Sikkim (Vol. 2, part 1). Royal Botanical Garden, Edinburgh, 242.

3. Progerss Report of the Project "Studies on Medicinal Plants of Sikkim". State Council of Science and Technology for Sikkim.