Basic Information




Species                       : Artemesia maritima Linn

Local Name                :

Synonym                     : Artemisia parciflora

Family                         : Asteraceae

Habitat                       : A deciduous perennial shrub.

Distribution                : Distributed in the Western Himalayas from Kashmir to Nepal at altitude of 2,100- 2,700M.

Sikkim                         : Samdong, Lachung, Karponang, Lachen, Subaney Dara.

Out side                      : North West Kashmir, Gurez and Kirtuar Valleys, Kulu valley and in Lahul and Spiti in Kangra district of Himachal Pradesh.


Morphological information

A decidous, perennial shrub. Leaves 1.3- 5.0 cm long 2- pinnatisect, segments many small spreading, linear obtuse, hairy or tomentose, upper leaves simple and linear. Flower heads homogenous, 3- 8 flowered. In spicate fascicles; involucrul bracts varying in number from 7- 15, linear, oblong, outer herbaceous, tomentose. Flowers and fruits at different time at different places.




Parts: Whole plant, flowers and leaves

Status: Low risk


The plant has been extensively investigated for chemical constituents. The herbs contain santonin a sesquiterpene lactone. The plants contains a furanoid sesquiterpene ketone davanone, peroxide sesquiteroenes  artenucultone and peroxisemiketal, several sesquiterpene  lactones including santonin and marcinin [3]; 5 flavonoids and an acetophenone parts [4] and two new sesquiterpenes lactones have been isolated from the aerial parts [5].


 Plants can be easily propagated through Seeds or cuttings. The seeds are sown during April- May and covered with a fine sandy layer. Seedlings are transplanted when plant reaches a height of 15 cm at 50 cm x 90cm apart.



The seeds are used as appetizer, aphrodisiac, anthelmintic; cure "triclosha".


The plant is used as laxative, anthelmintic, alexiteric, vulnerary; stops expectoration and removes bad tumors; cures scorpion sting; useful in toothache; griping, ophthalmia and inflammation. An infusion of the fresh plant is used in case of ague, intermittent and remittent fever. The plant is used in jaundice. The santonin, the active constituent is a very effective medicine for round worms; deobstruent, stomachic and tonic; poultice locally applied to relieve pain. Unexpanded flowers is used  as anthelmintic; vermifuge against ascarides; prescribed in aclampsia, anorexia, bed- wetting, intermittent fever, infantile spasms and whooping cough, neuropathy.



1. Anonymous. The Wealth of India (Vol. 1 A). Publications and Information Directorate, CSIR, New Delhi. 436- 438.

2. Chatterjee, Asima Satyesh Chandra Pakrashi (1997). The Treatise on Indian Medicinal Plants. National Institute of Sciences communication, New Delhi. 143- 144.

3. Kirtikar, K.R. and B.D. Basu (1980). Indian Medicinal Plants (Vol. 2). Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh, Dehradun. 1393-1395.

4. Progress Report of the Project "Studies on Medicinal Plants of Sikkim" (1998- 2001). State Council of Science and Technology for Sikkim.

5. Singh, Janardan, Ashok Sharma, Subash Chandra Singh, Sushil Kumar (1999). Medicinal Plants for Bioprospection. Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Lucknow. 141- 143.