Basic Information


Species                                   : Vincetoxicum album (Mill.) Aschers.

Local Name                             :

Synonym                                : Cynanchum vincetoxicum Pers.

Family                                     : Asclepidaceae

Habitat                                   : Found in Open and dry in varied habitat from pine woodland to grassland and


Distribution                            :

Sikkim                                        : Lachen valley, Lachung valley, Zema valley, Chumbi, Tromo chhu. Open, dry habitat in varied situations from

                                                  pine woodland to  grassland and riverbanks.

Outside                                     : Bhutan (Thimpu district, Punakha district, Bhumthang district and Tashigang district, Upper Mo Chu district and

                                                  upper Kuru Chu district).

Morphological information

Stems erect 30-100 cm, usually simple or branched at base, rarely with side branches; stems, petioles and inflorescence branches pubescent-hirsute, often densely so. Leaves very variable in size and shape, large and broadly ovate in lower pairs, apex acute to acuminate or shortly mucronate, base broadly cordate to rounded. Leaves gradually becoming smaller and more lanceolate ovate towards A stem apex, lowest pair usually comparatively small and sub orbicular 3.5-8.5xl.8-4.5 cm, pubescent  above and below, particularly on main veins, rarely glabrous; petioles short 4.8 mm. Pedundes 0-13 (20) mm long; pedicles 5-9 (-15) mm. Calyx lobes lonceolate, 1.5-24.5 mm,acute, green, ciliate, corolla tube 2-3 mm long, companulates; lobes spreading ovate to lanceolate, 3-3.5xl-2mm, glabrousto sparsely pubescent or densely hirsute within; corolline coronal scales c I mm long.  Staminal column cl mm long. Follicles 34-46x5.8 mm. Seeds ovate, 3-6xl.5-3 mm; coma 1.5-2.5 cm.

Flowering                                                                : April-August.

Fruiting                                                                   : April-August.

History                                                                    :

Parts                                                                       :

Status                                                                     :

Phytochemistry                                                       : Glucoside vincetoxin separated from the roots (Arch. Pharm., Berl, 1908, 666);root, root-stock and

                                                                                  and seed contain 0.3-0.4% glucoside vincitoxin.

Medicinal                                                                  : Root is emetic. The plant induces haemolysis.




1. Grierson, A.J.C and D.G. Long (1999). Flora of Bhutan (Vol. 2, part 2). Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh. 699.

2. Progress Report of the Project "Studies on Medicinal Plants of Sikkim" (1998-2001). State Council of Science and Technology for Sikkim