Basic Information



                  Species                       : Amomum subulatum Roxb

                  Local Name                : Alaichi(Nep), Langityungrap(Lep)

                  Synonym                     :

                  Family                         : Zingiberaceae

                 Habitat                       : A tall perennial herb up to 2.5 m in height. A domesticated

                                                    crop of temperate and subtropical region.

Distribution                : It grows wild in Eastern Himalayas from Nepal to Sikkim. It is also cultivated in West Bengal, Sikkim and Assam between 

                                     500 and 1800 m on slopes under chequered shades, preferably along the streams.

Sikkim                         :  Dzongu, Mangan, Kabhi, Singhik-Tung, Soreong, Damthang, Naya Bazaar, Rongli, Geyzing.

Out side                      : West Bengal.

Morphological information

A tall, perennial herb up to 2.5 m in height with leafy stems. Rhizomes horizontal branched with several erect leafy shoots and panicles. Leaves oblong laveolate, acuminate, glabrous, spike globuse, very dense, shortly peduncle capsule 2.5 m long, irregularly accordate echinate, trilocular, dark red brown, containing several aromatic seeds in each chamber held together by a viscous sugary pulp.

Flowering      : April – July

Fruiting         : August-November

History         :

Parts            : Matured seed

Status         : Cultivated, common in temperate and subtropical region, endangered in the wild.



Pentanidin- 3, 5-diglucoside and leucocyanidin-3-o-,-D- glucopyranoside isolated J. Indian Chem. Soc. 1976, 53, 633); alpinetin from seeds (Planta Med.1976, 29, 391); structure of a new aurone glycoside-subulin-isolated from seeds (Indian J. Chem. 1977, 15 B, 814).



The fruits of Amomum , mainly A. subulatum Roxb. used are cheap substitutes for true cardamom obtained from Elettaria cardamom Maton as spice. They are usually important components of mastigatory or ingredients of chewing preparation (Pan).  In South India large cardamom is employed for the production of snuff and agarbatties. Medicinally the seeds are credited with stimulant, stomachic, alexipharmic and astringent properties and are prescribed for the treatment of indigestion, vomiting, biliousness, abdominal pains and rectal diseases. A decoction of seeds is used as a gargle in affections of the teeth and gum with melon seeds, they are used in diuretic in case of gravel in kidneys followed by promotion to elimination of bile and are useful in congestion of liver. They are also used in gonorrhea. In large doses (30 grains) with quinine they are useful in neuralgia. The pericarp is useful in headache and heals stomatitis. The aromatic oil extracted from seeds is applied to the eyes to allay inflammation.



The seeds are used in gonorrhea as an aphrodisiac


In Unani this goes into various preparation like "Jawarish-Anarain" which is used as a liver and stomach tonic, emetic, antiplegmatic and in relieving biliousness. "Dawa-I-mazmoza" used against sores and initiative, used as an exhilarant, stomachic, antidyspepsia and also in cholera. "Arg Gajar Ambari" used as a cephalic and general tonic, cardiac stimulant and palpitation of the heart.


The dried seeds of the plant are advised to take with hot water during stomach disorder.



1. Anonymous, (1985) The Wealth of India (Raw material) (Vol. 1A). Publications and Information Directorate, CSIR, 227-229.

2. Chopra R.N., S.L.Nayar, I.C.Chopra (1999). Glossary of Indian Medicinal plants, National Institute of Science Communication (CSIR).

3. Progress Report of the Project "Studies on Medicinal Plants of Sikkim" (1998-2001). State Council of Science and Technology for Sikkim.