Basic Information



                  Species                       : Amranthus spinosus linn

                 Local Name                 : Ban lure, Dhute dhan(Nep),

                 Synonym                     :

                 Family                         : Amaranthaceae

                Habitat                        : An erect, spinous, annual or perennial herb.

                Distribution                 : Distributed in tropical regions.

Sikkim            : Rorathang, Namthang, Sesna Reserve Forest, Naya Bazaar, Pipalay, Mangan, Naya Bazaar, Soreng, Samsing, Rumtek, Deorali,

                        Singtam, Rongli.

Out side       : Malabar, West Bengal, Bhutan (Samchi, Phuntsoling, Sarbhang and Gaylephug districts).

Morphological information

An erect, spinous, annual or perennial herb, varying in colors from green to

purple. Stem 30-60 cm in height, spines hard, straight. Leaves 3.710.0 cm long, 1.9-5.0 cm broad, base cuneate, petiole slender, equaling the blade or shorter. Flowers found throughout the year, seed black and shining. Flowers and fruits most part of the year.

Flowering    : May-September

Fruiting    : May-September

History    :

Parts    : Whole plant

Status    : Scattered



Hentriacontane and K-spinasterol from leaves and stems; a saponin mixture composed of oleanolic acid D-glucose and D-glucoronic acid, isolated from roots along with K-spinasterol (J.Inst. Chemists, Calcuta 1973, 45, 205; Chem. Abstr. 1974, 81, 47427 g)- sitosterol, stigmasterol, campesterol, cholesterol and stearic, oleic and linoleic acid isolated (Curr. Sci. 1976, 45, 481); quercitin and rutin (1.9%) obtained (Farm. Zh.1977, 90; Chem. Abstr. 1977, 87, 197309 h); K-spinasterol octacosonoate and a new saponin , D-glucopyranosyl (1→4)-,-D- glucopyranosyl (1→3)- oleanolic acid (I)- isolated from roots. (Indian 3. Chem. 1979, 17B, 180).



The plant is propagated through seeds



The plant is regarded as an emmenogogue and galactogogue. It is used as a refrigerant, diuretic, purgative, inflammation as an enema for stomach troubles, piles against cholera and also as a sudorific; it prevents vomiting.A decoction of the plant improves digestion, is used in kidney complaints and as mouthwash for toothache.The decoction with palm-nut soap is used to arrest miscarriage. The root is used in menorrhagea, gonorrhea, eczema and colic. The roots and leaves are used as expectorant. The leaves are used against earache and are fed to infants. It is used as potherb and increase milk production in cattle.


1. Anonymous (1985). The Wealth of India (Vol. I A) Publications and Information Directorate. CSIR, New Delhi. 219.

2. Chatterjee, Asima, Satyesh Chandra Prakashi (1997). The Treatise of Indian Medicinal plants (Vol.1). Publications and Information Directorate. CSIR, New Delhi. 73.

3. Singh, 3anardan, Ashok Singh, Subhash Chandra Sharma, Sushil Kumar (1999). Medicinal Plants for Bioprospection, Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Lucknow pp 84.

4. Kirtikar, K.R., B.D. Basu (1993). Indian Medicinal Plant. Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh.Dehradun. 2057-2059.

5. Progress Report of the Project "'Studies on Medicinal Plants of Sikkim" (1998-2001). State Council of Science and Technology for Sikkim.