Rauwalfia serpentina
(Linn.) Benth
Local Name
Sarpa gandha (Nep)
Synonym :
Family : Apocynaceae
Habitat : It is an erect, perennial evergreen undershrub 15-45 cm. High, wild in plains
and hills, in deep, fertile rich in organic matter soils in
subtropical areas.
Distribution : Distributed in waste places and in subtropical areas. It is usually found in moist decidous forests at altitudes ranging
from sea level
to 1,200 m.
Outside : Jammu & Kashmir (Jammu, Gjansu); Himachal Pradesh (Naurangabad forest division, Sismour); Uttar Pradesh (Sabaranpur,
Halduani, Dehradun, bijnour, Najibabad, Gorakhpur, bahraich, Pilibhit, Kheri, Siualik range, Rohelkhand, Lucknow, Allahabad,
Lalitpur, Hamirpur, banda); Assam (Goalpara, Nowgang, Lakhimpur, sibsagar); Meghalaya (Garro, Khasia, Jyantia hills);
West Bengal (Calcutta, Burea division, Darjeeling, Jalpaiguri, Siliguri); Orrisa (Jeypore Karaput, Mayurbhanj, Keonjhar, Dhenkanal,
Sambalpur, Kalihandi, Puri); Bihar (Singhbhum, Patna, Bhagalpur, Purnea); Madhya Pradesh (Baster, Bilaspur, Raipur); Maharastra
(Khandala, Poona, Satera, Kolaba, Mahabaleshwar, Sauantuadi); Andhra Pradesh (Chittor, Vishakapatnam); Karnataka
Shimoga, Belgam, Sambrani range); Andaman and Nicobar (Allmost all islands); Kerala (Palghat). Also distributed in Nepal,
Bangladesh, Pakistan, Srilanka, Myanmar, Thailand and China.
Erect herbaceous undershrubs upto 1m tall. Root- tap root tuberous, soft, sometimes irregularly nodular; bark pale brown, corky with irregular longitudinal fissure leaves in whorls of three large 7.5- 17.5 cm x 4.3- 6.8 cm, obovate, tapering at the base to the short petiole; smooth shining green above, pale beneath. Flowers pink or rosy, shortly pedicelled, in terminal or axillary corymbose cyrnes. Drupes didymous or solitary, shining, purplish black when ripe. Seeds I or 2 ovoid. Flowers during April to October.
Parts : Leaves and root.
Status : Endangered.
The alkaloid rescinnamine is used for the treatment of hypertension in initial doses of 0.25 to I mg daily for upto 14 days and maintenance doses of 250 to 500 g daily.Other alkaloid aimatine and ajmalicine are being also used therapeutically for the treatment of cardiac asshythmias and circulatory disease respectively.
Sarpagandhadi Bati". which is prepared with Rouvolfla serpentina
Bardostachys grandiflora, Cannabis sativa and Trachyspennum ammi
which proved to be a good hypotensive and sedative, prescribed
in insomnia, schizophrenia, epilepsy, stress, anxiety,
depression etc.
Unani : Hala Fishar used for blood pressure.
5-10 gm
fine powder of sarpagandha (roots of R. serpentina) along with
15ml honey or 10-30 ml water decoction is taken twice daily for
the treatment of Schizophrenia, instantly, epilepsy and blood
Rauvolfla in various forms- powders, dry or liquid extract and tablet is used mainly as a hypotensive agent in different doses. It is used as major tranquiliser.
Anonymous. The Wealth of India Reprinted 1998. National
Institute of Science Communication, CSIR. New Delhi Pg 376-378.
2. Chopra
R.N.; S.L. Nayar; I.C. Chopra 1999. Glossary of Indian Medicinal
Plants. National Institute
3. Pakrashi
Satyesh chandra, Asima chatterjee 1995. The treatise of Indian
Medicinal Plants Vol 4 Publications and information Directorate
New Delhi Pg 116-123.
4. Sushil
Kumar, Janardhan Singh, N.C. Shah, Vinay Ranjan (1997). Indian
Medicinal and Aromatic plants facing Genetic Erosion CIMAP
Lucknow. Pg 178-181.
5. Thakur
R.S.; H.S. Puri; Akhtar Hussain 1989. Major medicinal Plants of
India CIMAP Lucknow Pg 439-440.