Basic Information



Species                       : Mesia chesia Ham.ex.D.Don.

Local Name                 : Belowne (Nep), Parmu (Lep)

Synonym                     :

Family                         : Myrtaceae

Habitat                       : A shrub or small tree grows in the dry or shady places.

Distribution                : Distributed to tropical to temperate region.

Sikkim                        : Dentam, Namchi, Bhusuk, Rumtek, Padamchen, Pakyong, Tarku, Damthang, Machung, Upper Rumtek, Hee- Gyathang, Gnon-

                                   Samdong, Sakyong- Pentong, Lingdam, Dikchu, Prekchu, Tholung Gumpa, Lingthem.

Outside                      : Assam, Khasia hills, Nepal, Bhutan (Phuntsoling, Sarbhang and Gaylegphug).


Morphological information


A shrub or a small tree, 1.2- 9 m high. Leaves elliptic- lanceolate or ovate- oblong, regularly or irregularly serrate, dendate. Axillary racemes, flowers white, fragrant. Fruit small globose berry, pinkish- white, succulent when ripe.

Flowering                   :

Fruiting                      :

History                      :

Parts                        : Root, bark, branchlets and leaves.

Status                      : Vulnerable.

Phytochemistry       : K- Spinasterol, its -D- glucoside' stigmata- 8 (14), 22 -dien- 3, -ol and –amyrin isolated (Phytochemistry 1977, 16, 923).


Medicinal                 : Root, bark, branches and leaves are reported to show insecticidal.

Traditional               : Bongthing uses the plant during religious ceremony. (Lepcha System). Stem bark is crushed and the filtered juice (about 200- 250 ml) is orally administered in case of gastritis.




1. Anonymous (1961). The Wealth of India (Vol. 6). Publications and Information Directorate, CSIR. New Delhi. 217.

2. Anonymous (1992). The Useful Plants of India. Publications and Information directorate, CSIR,New Delhi. 348.

3. Progress Report of the Project "Studies on Medicinal Plants of Sikkim" (1998- 2001). State Councilof Science and Technology for Sikkim.