Basic Information



Species                       : Lantana  camara Linn. var. aculeate.

Local Name                : Ban pangra (Nep)

Synonym                     :

Family                         : Verbenaceae

Habitat                       : The shrub that are commonly found near the roads.

Distribution                :

Sikkim                         :

Outside                      :

General                      :

Morphological information

A rambling shrub, pubescent or scabrous; branches tetragonous, armed with recurved prickles. Leaves opposite, simple, ovate, crenate, scabrid- pubescent, acute or shortly acuminate. Flowers white, light purple or yellow, borne in pedunculate, axillary, bracteate heads or short spikes. Calyx minute. Corolla tube curved, limb oblique, spreading horizontally divided into 4 unequal lobes. Fruits glabrous, globose drupes, shining black when ripe. Seeds 2- celled nuts.

Flowering                  : Almost throughout the year,Chiefly in July-October

Fruiting                     :

History                     :

Parts                        : Almost throughout the year,Chiefly in July-October

Status                       : Low risk.


Arachidic, linoleic, myristic and palmitic acids; 1- triacotanol; 1,8- cineole, citral, eugenol, furfural geraniol, linallol, (α- phelladrene, phellandrone; α- amyrin; β- sitosterol; lantadone (flowers, leaves, stems); linoleic, linoienic, oleic, palmitic and stearic acids;22-β- angeloyloxy- 3- oxo- olean- 12- en- 28- oic acid (lantadene A), lantadene B≡ dimethylacryloyoxy oleanoic acid (also in leaves), 22β- [(5)- 2-methylbutanoxyloxy]- 3- oxo- olean- 2- en- 28- oic acid (seeds); 1,8- cineole, citral, linallol, terpineol, β-sitosterol (seed oil); α and β pinenes, camphene, camphor, caryophyllene and its oxide, citronellal, p-cymene, elmol, bis (2- ethylbutyl) phthalate, geraniol acetate, emnthen- 1- ol, selinen (flowers); iridoid glucoside, theveside≡15(1α, 4aα, 7aα)- 1- ( β -D glucosyloxy )_4a- hydoroxy-77- (hydroxymethyl)- 1, 4a, 5, 7a- tetrahydorxy cyclopental ©- pyran-  carbnoxylic acid (leaves and stems); iceterogenin, 4,5-dihydroxy- 3, 7- dimethoxyflavone- 4'- O- β- D- glucopyranoide, lancamerone (Keto- steroid); lantalonic, lantanolic lantanilic(22β- ββ- dimethylacryloyloxy- 3,25 epoxy- 3α- hydroxyursa- 12- 2n- 28- oic), lantic (3,25- epoxy- 3α- hydroxyursa- 12- 2n- 28- oic) and lantonic acids; methyl (- 3- oxo- ursolate, lantadene B and lantadene C (leaves); lantanine (Stem and root bark); stachyose, verbascose, ajugose, verbascotetrasose, lantaiurcolic acids, lantanane B, theviridoside, theveside, geriposdie, shanzhiside methyl ester, lamiridoside and 8- epiloganin (root); cedrene, cis and trans- nerolidol, betulic betulonic, lantabetulinic, oleanolic eleanonic, 22β- hydroxy- 3- oxo- olean- 12en- 28- oic, 22β-isobutyroloxy- 3- ox- olean- 12en- 28- oic acids (lantadene D); 5- hydroxynapthol [2,3- b] furan- 4,9- quinons, vernascoside, 6 and 7-methoxydiodantanezone and their isomer were also encountered in the plant (with India, 1962,6, 31, CSIR, New Delhi; J. Indian Chem. Soc, 1969, 46, 100, Sci & Cult, 1966, 32, 456, CA, 1970,72, 111641; tetrahedron 1971, 27, 1141; Planta med, 1972, 21, 282, ibid, 1972, 22, 34,J, Indian Chem.Soc. 1972, 49, 1063, 1973, 50, 620; Planta med; 1974, 25, 373; Experientia 1976, 32, 412; Phytochemistry 1976, 15, 987; Rev. Fac. Farm. 0dontol Araraquara, 1975, 9, 199 C.A, 1977, 86, 117583; Aus J.Chem, 1978, 3T, 1313, ibid. 1980, 33, 509, Palds J.Sd industry. Res, 1979, 22, 107 CA 1980 93 10134; Indian drugs 1980 17, 173; Anal Biochem., 1983, 128, 474; CA, 1983, 98, 10743; alust.J.Chern 1983, 36, 1895; Phytochemistry, 1985, 24, 1607; J.Indian Chem Soc., 1985; Phytochemistry, 1985, 24, 1607; J.Indian chem.. Soc, 1895; Phytochernistry 1985, 24, 1607; J.Indianm Chem.Soc., 1985, 62, 298; Phytochemistry, 1990, 29, 3961, ibid, 1991, 30, 941; J.Nat.Prod., 1991, 54, 1595, C.A, 116, 231944; Yaoxue Xuebao, 1992, 27, 515 Ca, 1993, 118, 35863; J.Biochem Toxicol, 1992, 7, 73; CA 1992 117, 165, 659, Yaoxue Xuenao, 1993, 28, 35, 40; CA, 1993, 119, 221613,d 221614).



Whole plant: Antiseptic, antispasmodic, carminative, diaphoretic and promotes healing of wounds, applied in fistula, decoction, laxative useful in malaria and rheumatism.



 1. Anonymous. (1992). The Useful Plants of India. Publications and Information Directorate CSIR, New Delhi. 317.

2. Chatterjee, Asima. & Chandra Satyesh Pakrashi (1995). Treatise on Indian Medicinal Plants (Vol. 4). Publications & Information Directorate, New Delhi. 229- 230.

3. Progress Report of the Project "Studies on Medicinal Plants of Sikkim" (1998- 2001). State Council of Science and Technology for Sikkim.