Scientific Name Pisum sativum
Local Name   Matar
Family Leguminaceae
State/World wide Sikkim, Orissa, West Bengal, Bihar, Karnataka,Maharasthra, Gurjurat, Meghalaya, Punjab, Hariyana .
Common Name of Disease:  POWDERY MILDEW
Local Name of Disease - Kharaney bimar
Causal Organism -  Erysiphe polygoni
Distribution of Disease in Sikkim

- Disease appears during winter season due to dry season in all the locations.

Disease Incidence - Low to medium
Site of Infection

- Leaves and other green parts of plant.

Dissemination of the Disease

-The dissemination of disease lakes place through wind.


Flour like white growth occurs mostly on the upper surface of the leaves. Severely infected leaves dry off. Powdery mildew is severe in dry weather/ climate. Being Ectoparasite only superficial mycelial growth is seen. In Sikkim condition disease appears during the first week of January when the weather is dry coinciding with the pod formation.

Favourable environmental condition for disease
The disease is transmitted from the affected plant to a healthy by the wind.

Mode of transmission
The disease is transmitted from the affected plant to a healthy by the wind.

Life cycle of Organism -

Plant Protection Measures
  • Spray wettable sulphur @ 3g/lit water.


    Bioinformatics Sub- DISC, SSCS&T